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HELP ???? Something ain't right !!!!!!

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Dayum! I make one trolling joke about being able to target a player with a customized hack (including the obligatory tongue out emoji, in case somebody thought I was serious) and the interwebs blow up. Nice job guys! This made for a very entertaining start of the day.


Party on Wayne!

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FWIW, depending on where the determination is made for a hit (server or client), you actually could probably write some code to modify damage based on GUID, but really - why would anybody do that? It would be a really kludgy bit of code, and the GUID probably isn't even accessible at that depth of the code and would bog down ALL players with an expression evaluation for every action. It would be much easier to just ban a player or continually harass with burns or slaps in game than going through the effort to find the right place in the code to make a modification, compile the code and upload it to the server. For that matter, might even be more fun to do a macro replacement on a player's name to say "doody head" each time, kinda like AF and poor Arce.



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Ok then, Cow.

If it's not a hack. WTF happened ?

Was playing as usual them POOF !
Mouse sensibility fucked up, damage reduced and I can't move my gun when I'm aiming.

Reinstalled the game twice. Nothing changed.

What, in your opinion, could be the source of this bugs/malfunctions ?


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No clue, but I would be pretty confident that this isn't something on the server side. Mouse control is 100% on your PC side of the wire. Damage, can't speak with any authority on that - but if you have been hacked (i.e. spybot, malware, ...) it can definitely impact your latency. Lunar has a good point about the modified game. Some servers will auto start a d/l of the modified version of COD. If you let that go all the way through, you are running an unknown version of the game - who knows what tweaks or exploits they made.

Look at the simple things first. Have you tried cleaning your mouse? I use compressed air on my optical mouse at least once a week, but I have a somewhat dusty office. My mouse pad also needs cleaning once in a while. Do you leave your system running all the time? If so, reboot. Running any antivirus? Do a scan. Try running without the AV (sometimes those programs can get REAL invasive). Look at what programs are getting started when you boot your system. Anything unfamiliar? Run with the Task Manager open on the graph page to see if there is any unusual activity. If there is, toggle to the detail tab and sort by CPU usage to see what is sucking the CPU down. When is the last time you updated your OS?

Those are the only things I can think of off the top of my head. Hope something in here helps.


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Till the end, you'll be a jerk..
Blaming me for being from a country ? I'M FRENCH AND GRYPHUS DISLIKE IT !!!!! BE AWARE !!!

There were nothing more to add to this tread but you had to open your filthy mouth cuz you love drama and you have nothing better to do..

I pity you, really I do. No hate, no anger. See,
I spent some time thinking why you and Lunar are like this.

And the only good answer is: Cuz you need it. YOU NEED ME.

YOU are the one coming back at me with mean comments. YOU are the one needing the drama to happen. Not me. I'm just the blind fool that was feeding low morals trolls from the beginning.
But that's the thing. You want me to continue to argue. YOU NEED ME TO CONTINUE TO ARGUE.

I don't need you. I needed someone to understand my issue and to answer it nicely.
Just like Cow did. (Animals > Humans XD)
I've been to harsh on your community, some of you still have some education to show :)

Keep shooting your venom at me now. Nobody but you 2 jerks cares anymore.


Edited by Tamsko
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Saying that you were being french was alluding to my previous statements about your behavior and the typical stereotype of the french being rude, arrogant and self-righteous. All traits you have beautifully demonstrated time and again.

To rephrase. Had you been less of an asshole in your initial post, less of yourself, you would have had nothing but help. But no, your attitude in the server once again overflowing to here was the last straw for me. As you can see, I know how to be rude as well. Though if you go back and look, while rude, I wasn't unreasonable in my first post. We could have moved on and resolved things.

Even still you desperately cling to your stance that Lunar and I were the only ones being rude and unreasonable. I'm beginning to think you're not even capable of recognizing it, since apparently we are now the ones who need you.

I would like to apologize to any French who have the misfortune of reading all this, for ever associating you with the narcissistic sociopath that is Tamsko.

""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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