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"Dust Devil Rage" Is a homosexual cuntbag

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He decides to use Satan as his god and it works for him. Of course it does. Little cuntbag doesn't know life. Hope he's looking forward to the day he dies and goes straight to Hell forever. I sure am. He's a jobless cuck who enjoys a sad life of monotony, masking his suicidal thoughts with a candid cunt act. He can go fuck himself three times, and then a fourth after he jumps off a bridge and God replays his sad cunt life back to him, where he realized he never loved his mom enough to care for her life. 



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lol ok.

We don't ban people unless we can prove they're hacking. People who complain that we're not randomly banning people tend to be the type of person who has never been banned off of a dodgy killcam. It kind of sucks.

""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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Not positive, but possibly "blow" means "are good" where ALL come from.  From the wind to mutual celebrations I don't see the mention as anything, but a compliment to the administration of the server(s) and the forums.

If anyone should be insulted it is DDR.  Gumm did a top notch job of that with a slam dunk in emotional manipulation in almost every phrase. XD

Jarod, I think you should log in under a different name and get behind this...."cuntbag" and record some of this cheating eidt*.

Posting this sort of thing in Completely Off-Topic seems way too topical and it will only make you friends.

"When I got in to ask and talk to you you were just keeping kicking me..." - HikariNozomi (Dec. 20, 2021)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I for one love how fair and just our admins are on banning. Something I'm super proud of to be a part of.

There's this one player (i will not name) that lots of players dislike, including many admins/mods because of his dirty tactics: spawn camp/kill with rpd. Many, many players accuse him hacks. Many players, including our very own admin sus and reported/record demo of him.

I and 2 other admins watch 1 of the demo over and over and debated if he's hacking. The demo looks very fishy. After 30 mins of debating, we concluded there wasnt enough evidence that he was hacking. Even though we all dislike the player, and I personally wanted to find reason to remove him, we didnt ban him. I mean who the hell spend 30 mins to review demos to be fair and just. I mean, we all have fucking jobs to do, kids to feed and beat up you know.

Anyhow, why the hell did I even write this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I, for one, am happy to see that NJ admins do not use the ban hammer liberally nor without proof.  See the Reports forum where we, the common players (myself included) have recorded demos and gotten scores of cheating players banned over time.  To get that toxic over another player (and especially over a video game!) is not going to change anything for you.  

I'll never forget how I was banned from a server playing another game (and while I was in another clan).  It was Raven Shield and just like this game, I normally ended up with average K:D, nothing special.  Then one day I joined another clan's server and somehow racked up 16 kills and zero deaths across two rounds (RVS was like the cod game mode S and D where once you died, you had to wait until the next round).  It was 8 vs 8 so after I completely killed the other team (with said other clan mostly on the other team) 2 times, they banned me without explanation.  I didn't bother appealing that.. I just happened to get extremely lucky, right timing and right place for each kill.  Also the previous clan I was in had their own RVS server and some of the admins would ban some players if they appeared to always get the best scores.  After a while, I noticed the server pop avoided joining that server - I imagine because of the bad rep for banning without proof.


Learn to record and post demos - NJ admins will review and if the proof is positive = ban.  Just my 2 cents...

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry, I’m just noticing this.  Not sure if this player is still around or what their in game name is.  I don’t recall a Gumm, although I dated a chick in college with that last name. 

My in game name has nothing to do with Satan, Hell or religion.  

It is from the song “One Less Tornado”, by Chris LeDoux.  It’s about a rodeo rider and a Bull he drew by luck of the draw to ride in Jasper, TX at a rodeo, which didn’t work out too well for him.  

Rodeo Bulls, like triple crown race horses have quite the colorful name. The Bull’s name from the song is what I’m using.  A Dust Devil in the American southwest is a well known phenomenon of a swirling column of dust and debris raising to a relatively low altitude in the sky, normally occurring in windy dry weather.  Sometimes causes damage, sometimes not.  

The artist of the song, one of my favorite singers, Chris LeDoux, died of Cholangiocarcinoma, about 4 and half years after receiving a liver transplant.  The man could drink some beer. 

I had the chance to see him in concert in Atlanta back in my college days, but a young lady at a house party, the actual concert pre-party, changed that plan.

Never saw him concert.  And on that note I am not a homosexual cuntbag encase people were starting to visualize that.  I missed that concert but it was still a dayum good night.  I forgot her name but she had jet black hair down to her thong. 

So, I’m straight and married to a smoking hot young lady whom I’ve known since high school, got one kid in college, one in high school and one in junior high.  We didn’t hook up till a few years after I graduated college, although I knew her for about 10 years prior to us starting to date when we we’re just kids   

What else did Gumm say……let’s see, I’m not jobless.  I got as many bills to pay as the next guy, I pay taxes and have damn near been killed while on the job. Been medavaced to the ER three times while on the clock, two of those times I was either dating or married to my wife, who is an avid PUBG player, her PUBG player name is BütteяCüp, and she had the fun time of receiving the call(s) from my bosses and having to rush to the ER.

Let’s see what else did he say about me….I have jumped off bridges but it was for fun into the Chattahoochee River just north of Norcross and south of Johns Creek, it wasn’t for suicidal thoughts, so no luck there in getting rid of me, I’m quite pleased with my current situation.  Let’s see what else….ah, death and Hell.  

Whether or not I’m going straight to hell when I draw my last breath is yet to be determined.  We’ve all done things we probably ought not have done.  I’ve done my share of sinning, but I’ve helped others in need.  I believe I have helped others more than hurt others in my past, so hopefully that counts for something.  As I go forward, the only ones who will be physically hurt by me will be those who bring it upon themselves.

As for hurt emotionally, I’ve said things to people I ought not have said, in life and in game, and for that I apologize.  If you’re pissed off from something I said, sorry brother.  But I gather you are pissed off from the gameplay.  

The rest of this thread is spot on in the sense of fair play, and the determination of unfair play.  I too feel things are being handled as good as they can be.  I’ve said things on the contrary in the past and should have held my tongue.  Like football, clear and incontrovertible evidence should be required to overturn a call or ban a subject.   If I submit a demo of somebody I think is cheating, and the powers that be feel otherwise, good to go.  It’s ya’lls house.  You won’t hear any gripes from me about it.  

Forgive me for my sins and I’m glad people are still playing this game.  

See you in the fight, it will be a few days. I’m crossing the pond as I write this on airline Wi-Fi.  But I’ll be back soon.  I keep my trips short and sweet.  

Your ole’ Pal, 


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