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Scary Movie


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In the summer of 1999 I had the pleasure of working on my first feature film. The project is now known as Scary Movie but was originally titled, Scream If You Know What I Did Last Halloween. The film was a satirical, raunchy romp which spoofed several horror/thriller movies popular at that time. These include Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer and The Sixth Sense. It was designed to titillate the imaginations of fifteen year old males worldwide by providing them with a collection of disgusting gags. As you can imagine, this was a deliciously perverse arena for me to draw naughty things.

I was hired and began drawing concepts of everything from sailing ships to naked girls in showers. Sweg times, but, the production had a false start and I was laid off. It was said that Keenen Wayans, who co-wrote and directed the film, was not happy about filming in Vancouver. After a month, the producers prevailed and the production moved ahead. The art department called me back and I continued with concept drawings.

There is a beauty pageant scene in the film which needed to have the Titanic sinking into the stage behind the contestants. It was fun designing the elements that went into that scene. In a different scene at a movie theater, a character walks into the washroom and notices the guys at the urinals engaged in a pissing contest. One of the concepts for this is below. To spoof I Know What You Did Last Summer (a film where the murderer is dressed as a fisherman with a baling hook) we needed our version of that hook. See the drawing below.

After a few weeks on the job I was let go again, my work done. Weeks later I was sitting at home and the production called asking for concept drawings of variations on the "Scream" mask. I was given a list of expressions like, stoned, happy, ouch and orgasm. I started drawing about 11 am and was told to work fast as they needed them asap. By 4 pm they were finished and delivered to the production. The drawings of the masks are below. These were passed on to a sculptor who created the masks seen in the film. You may also recognize some of the masks as they appear every year at halloween in costume stores. Now you know where they originated.

The job was a lot of fun and a very bizarre intro to the film industry. Thanks for reading, sorry to bore you all.

The Beauty Pageant


The Pissing Contest


The Hook


The Masks



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Thank you all so very much for your interest and kind comments. What a fantastic group you all are. I am very fortunate to know you. Much appreciated guys!

Ele, thanks. Just imagine the "O" face with a smoke and a cup of coffee. Glad you guys remember the film and that you enjoyed it [EMOJI:https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0]


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Thanks very much Siege! I appreciate you looking at them. To answer your question...no. Unfortunately, when you sign on to any production, every line and concept you create belongs to them. You are paid well to give them what they want but they own and control it all. Their capital risk, their reward. It makes sense. You are also bound by a confidentiality agreement which prevents you from disclosing any info about the film until it is released. The levels of strictness on this varies from one job to another.


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