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How was your day?

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Heres how mine was:

On my way home from work the jeep started to run out of gas on the highway(gas gauge is broke). I barely made an emergency exit, and had to coast down it. Got to a stop light, was able to start it up for a split second, enough to gun it into a parking lot.

I had to wait an hour for my wife to get out of work and come get me, which she got lost trying to do. I had a gas canister so I hopped in her car and we headed to the gas station. I filled the canister and her tank up, well we hop in all set to go, and the car doesn't start....

Click click click, great time for the battery to die. Well luckily there was a nice guy there to jump us, good thing I had cables.

We get jumped, and head back to my jeep.

From there we go directly to the auto store and get a new battery for the car. All good. She head home and I head to a gas station to fill my tank the rest of the way. On the way back the jeep startes makes a whining noise and squeaking. I get home, grab my auto stethoscope and find that the bearings in the alternator are going and grinding. So I pull that off and am now waiting to have one ordered.

but hey, the weather was nice.

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Hey Kov,

So sorry to hear about your bad luck with the vehicles today. Glad that you both made it safely home. They say that these things are sent to TRY us. From them you learn and become a stronger person. Well done dealing with it all...I love your "can do" attitude! Just think, you'lll have a new alternator. Keep going man!

My day was not as arduous as yours but I sympathize. I spent $3000 on my car repairs last month...ouch!



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so far my day is alright.

I bought a PS4 then found out that i couldn't use the free 14 day trial because i have had PS plus before.

So then i said to myself thats alright i can still play the games that i got on PS3 that i can sped an extra $10 to get transfered to PS4, then i found out that that offer ended on the 31st of last month.

No i have $5 in my bank account a PS4 and no games to play on that PS4.

Although i did get a haircut so that is alright.

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""""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle" - Gryphus_1" - Quesadios

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First up - that sucks Kov. I know that feeling.

The funniest thing was while reading Cypher's post I glanced at the avatar thinking it was gryph.

I thought Gryph had bought a PS4 and got a hair cut - lol - why is he buying a PS4 before a PC? and I never thought Gryph would get excited by a new hair cut - hhahahah

I thought I knew graph better than that - but I obviously don't....

~ salad(s)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Kovic that sucks! I can sympathize - I used to play a little game called how many days can i go with the fuel light on ALL THE TIME. Usually turned out well. Usually.

Cypher, that's hilarious. On another note, that sounds like a horrible user experience. You have to pay to play your older games?
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