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British Slut: Soft Aimbot


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Apologies in advance for the long post, but I wouldn't be doing all of this if I wasn't near 100% certain that this player is a cheater. Note that this player joined multiple times under different names. At first it was "British Slut", then "nevermind", then "/quit". Now it's back to "British Slut". Also he has a friend who was first using the name "Russian" who then used the name "123" and who kept defending him everytime he was accused of cheating. They're both switching their names around, idk why.

I recorded this with my phone because my demo footage taken a few days ago looked so jittery on my end that it was unusable and no one told me if it looked ok on their end.


Note that all the videos other than 1.mp4 need to be slowed down to really get a feel of the soft aimbot at work. I've organized the videos from most obvious to a bit less obvious. The frame by frame breakdown looks much better if you download the pics and switch between them back and forth with the arrow keys to get a sense of how quickly it happens.


Now I understand that you can glitch any gun's aim speed by switching the gun and switching it back again really quickly and pressing mouse 2, but even then to do that and have the first shot hit every time as you can see in the frame by frame breakdown is just not possible without an aim assist. All you have to do to see the bs here is just look at the frame by frame breakdowns, the videos other than #1 don't show much due to how soft the aimbot is in most examples other than #1 here.


1. So I'll start off with the most obvious clip in which his aimbot is really not that soft. Literally snaps onto Cow. See 1.mp4.

He starts shooting on the very frame that cow comes into where the shot will land. See IMG_1824 and IMG_1825 below for the frame by frame of this shot. IMG_1824 is the frame just before the frame of the shot.



2. Kills nerdjitsu while jumping out of the bushes, while nerdjitsu is halfway across the map. Nerdjitsu is killed before british slut even touches the ground. See 2.mp4

See IMG_1828 and IMG_1829 for the frame by frame of this shot. It's not the frame by frame that really matters here, it's him aiming through the bushes before nerdjitsu even comes into view. Now if this is the case of him going into console and removed all bushes that way, then that might explain it. In that case it's still scummy and shouldn't be allowed since most players on here don't know how to turn off vegetation, gives unfair advantage.



3. Kills nerdjitsu while not even ADS yet. See 3.mp4

You can kind of see it in the video, but see IMG_1817, IMG_1818, IMG_1819, and IMG_1820 for the frame by frame of this shot. Now the thing with this shot is I understand that it can be luck to get that one high damage ak bullet to kill before ADS but I saw it happen easily 5 times in his gameplay, sadly only managed to record it twice. IMG_1817 looks almost glitched because of the aim glitch that I mentioned previously. As a side note I was recording this with my iPhone at 60 fps and the game locked at 60fps.



4. Shoots Bic before being fully ADS. See 4.mp4


Now the video doesn't show it unless you slow it down, so see IMG_1826 and IMG_1827 for yet another example of him killing someone before being ADS.



Sorry for the lengthy post. Apparently an admin already had a chat with "british slut" a few days ago and clearly they gave him the benefit of the doubt since he's still here. Hopefully this post lays it to rest one way or another. It took a while to organize these clips and pictures so please consider taking this into serious consideration and not just brushing it off right away please.

Thanks for your time

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OK - obviously not an admin, but this is a forum so here goes.

For all of the indoors shots, what I think I am viewing is that BS (how apt) is seeing the opponent and then reacting to it, albeit very quickly. There does not seem to be a snap to the player imo. May be BS is hacking but I would not think this is proof enough, compared to some regs often moaned about.

As for the outside capture, I find it hard to pick anything out to be honest, due to the video quality. With regards using quality controls and other legit tweaks that player do, I doubt there is much can be done about that - personally I play totally stock so I feel your pain.

Now wait for a more experienced admin to concur with you and ban BS :-)

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@[CDN]FimboLong time no see fimbo bimbo :classic_laugh: Lmao but yeah I tried to take a demo before but it looked jittery as hell on my end. My game is at 60 fps though, just the iPhone causing weird flickering I guess. But yeah I'm pretty sure that british slut was back on today under the name "miu" and then "mdh" or something like that. Same walling, same ping. Guy was looking at me straight through the wall even though I had dead silence and uav jammer on AND the heli was over him so he couldn't even hear normal footsteps at that point. Even though I didn't fire any shots or throw anything, he knew I was coming so he ducked down behind the low wall to switch out his gun then popped out with the deagle with his aim already on me and headshotted me. Sadly wasn't recording. 

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On 5/24/2021 at 5:15 PM, FFTootnoots said:

@[CDN]FimboLong time no see fimbo bimbo :classic_laugh: Lmao but yeah I tried to take a demo before but it looked jittery as hell on my end. My game is at 60 fps though, just the iPhone causing weird flickering I guess. But yeah I'm pretty sure that british slut was back on today under the name "miu" and then "mdh" or something like that. Same walling, same ping. Guy was looking at me straight through the wall even though I had dead silence and uav jammer on AND the heli was over him so he couldn't even hear normal footsteps at that point. Even though I didn't fire any shots or throw anything, he knew I was coming so he ducked down behind the low wall to switch out his gun then popped out with the deagle with his aim already on me and headshotted me. Sadly wasn't recording. 

So what time does BS usually play? I have plenty of time to go in an record...

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This has been said numerous times before. We will not ban on a short clip like this unless it is solid proof of an egregious aimbot. Maybe.

That being said, let's take a look at the evidence posted...

  1. Looks like a knee-jerk reaction more than an aimbot. If you watch it carefully, his aim jerked in that direction and that was it. Didn't actually stop on him. Didn't follow him. Wasn't even that good of aim. Maybe it could be a "soft aimbot", but there's nothing even remotely definitive.
  2. Sure, this 5 second clip looks incriminating at a glance, but we have no context. Not only is that a fairly common area to spray (there's spawns back there!), but was Nerdjitsu camping there? Was someone else camping there?
  3. He hip-fired... What's the big deal?
  4. ...Twice? Oh, no! He hip-fired twice! Swing the banhammer!

I think we're done here unless you have some tangible, solid evidence in the form of a demo.


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@LuNaRWell did my previous demo look decent? It was jittery af on my end. I posted it to Fimbo's british slut report thread.

My pictures clearly show him firing only once his aim is on the player. It's frame by frame, you can see it by slowing down the clips. To do that a few times might be luck but 5 times? Cmon man lol

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I wasn't going to comment on this as it's not worth my time, but you keep making things up so here we go. I haven't been on cod4 since last weekend as I've been busy; therefore, "miu" and "mdh" isn't me. If you keep thinking all these people are hacking maybe you're the issue. 

It's kinda sad that you're going to all this effort to try and prove I am not legit. You must not have much going on in your life if you're getting this worked up over a video game. It's sad af. The fact that you don't know how to record a demo properly and you play on 60 FPS clearly shows that you don't know much about cod4 hence why you're accusing me of hacking. 

Russian and 123 are two different people, I only know one of them from another server. They were sick of you constantly acting like a child and bitching in the chat. They were both trying to explain how i'm not hacking as they have a lot more knowledge about the game than you. 

Also it's not against the rules to 'constantly' change my name so I don't know why you keep bringing that up. I'm not trying to hide as i'm using the same key which I'm fully aware that the admins can check who I am through echelon.

Tbh it's quite funny you wasted a few hours putting clips and screenshots together that show absolutely nothing :classic_laugh:. You didn't even show the full clip when I first saw Nerdjitsu when I was inside the building then strafed out by the bushes to kill him, I think you did that to try and make it look i'm using a wallhack. 

You mentioned in a previous post that I get high k/ds with a sniper etc and, that unless i'm an MLG pro player there's something really fishy about that k/d using a sniper. Just so you know, I was a competitive player including promod, competitive sniping on console, decerto and gamebattles to name a few, so I guess that does mean I am an 'MLG' pro player. 

The admins have spectated me numerous times and Pig did have a chat with me and as he said there is a reason why i'm still not banned. 

It seems you're just upset that a player with 200 ping is outplaying you. I'd hate to think how upset you'd be if I was on a lower, less laggy ping and didn't shoot through people constantly. You just need to accept that you aren't good at this game. I suggest you go find something else to play, maybe minecraft? 

Keep trying to find that clue you're looking for :classic_huh:

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9 hours ago, LMAO said:

I wasn't going to comment on this as it's not worth my time, but you keep making things up so here we go. I haven't been on cod4 since last weekend as I've been busy; therefore, "miu" and "mdh" isn't me. If you keep thinking all these people are hacking maybe you're the issue. 

It's kinda sad that you're going to all this effort to try and prove I am not legit. You must not have much going on in your life if you're getting this worked up over a video game. It's sad af. The fact that you don't know how to record a demo properly and you play on 60 FPS clearly shows that you don't know much about cod4 hence why you're accusing me of hacking. 

Russian and 123 are two different people, I only know one of them from another server. They were sick of you constantly acting like a child and bitching in the chat. They were both trying to explain how i'm not hacking as they have a lot more knowledge about the game than you. 

Also it's not against the rules to 'constantly' change my name so I don't know why you keep bringing that up. I'm not trying to hide as i'm using the same key which I'm fully aware that the admins can check who I am through echelon.

Tbh it's quite funny you wasted a few hours putting clips and screenshots together that show absolutely nothing :classic_laugh:. You didn't even show the full clip when I first saw Nerdjitsu when I was inside the building then strafed out by the bushes to kill him, I think you did that to try and make it look i'm using a wallhack. 

You mentioned in a previous post that I get high k/ds with a sniper etc and, that unless i'm an MLG pro player there's something really fishy about that k/d using a sniper. Just so you know, I was a competitive player including promod, competitive sniping on console, decerto and gamebattles to name a few, so I guess that does mean I am an 'MLG' pro player. 

The admins have spectated me numerous times and Pig did have a chat with me and as he said there is a reason why i'm still not banned. 

It seems you're just upset that a player with 200 ping is outplaying you. I'd hate to think how upset you'd be if I was on a lower, less laggy ping and didn't shoot through people constantly. You just need to accept that you aren't good at this game. I suggest you go find something else to play, maybe minecraft? 

Keep trying to find that clue you're looking for :classic_huh:

Lol you talk so much more shit than I ever have. What's the point of joining a community to basically call any player who isn't a sweaty fucking tryhard like you a shitty player? That's all you do is shit on players' skill level. And you tell me I have no life yet you're sweating every single game. You're a hypocrite. That's nice that you played in competitive tournaments but NJ was a chill server before you joined it and told me I play like shit. All 5 of my pics show the frame by frame of you pressing mouse1 EXACTLY when your aim is on the player and it kills them before you even ADS. But nah you're definitely clean. I'm done giving you any attention.

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Dragon agrees with what Lunar has thus said so far. But dragon will also add some inputs on the clips. Clips are better if its a somewhat lengthy recording (~2mins) with /record and /stoprecord on console (pressing "~") would be easier to see the flow of the game and guess what his thought process is in the event he isn;t hacking. Generally we have a three strike rule that displays that they have some kind of hack doing on, unless it is blatantly obvious. That being said, dragon will give some opinions on the four clips after almost contracting seizures:

1. First snap does look bit unnatural, but the second shot is fine, probably just checking corners or has uav which alerted him. Is pretty standard for experienced players. That alone isn't enough though.
2. Seems like a regular shot. Like Lunar has said, person could have killed him before as a camping spot and since we don't have the entire demo, it cannot be confirmed. the way he switches the gun and shoots  usually indicates a player who's played for a long time. Being flashy and all.
3. Player is checking the office choke point then enemy appears in the downstairs bathroom, then snaps to him and shoots. Pretty standard stuff as well.
4. Again, another shot thats not too hard to perform with or without UAV. He checks left first then to target when he identifies it.

All in all, gameplay is fine. .w.

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