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New PC Build

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Hi Guys & Gals,

My rig is about to turn 8 years old and it's time to retire the old girl (I'll refresh her and she will become the kids PC). I'm in the process of pulling together some specs and would appreciate your feedback. I'm planning to spend around $2k (which is around $1,500 USD) and it's only for the box (case, power supply, CPU, GPU, RAM, SSD, HD etc...). No new monitor, keyboard or mouse at this stage. I've always built AMD boxes and I can't see me changing that in the future.

Have a look at the parts I've picked and please feel free to give me your feedback.

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It looks like a pretty good build. I'm interested to hear how you like the Ryzen CPU. I'm hesitant to invest in AMD, but their new Ryzen line looks very promising.

Don't know how experienced you are in building, but don't forget thermal paste!

If you're interested, I have a CoolerMaster HAF 932 case that I'm getting ready to post to ebay. It's in pretty good condition, minus the front 3.5" floppy bay USB3.0 ports are busted.


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Hey LuNaR,

Thanks for the feedback mate. I have built all my PCs since i was 18. Thermal paste is the most important part of the build!

Send me an eBay link when you post it and I'll check it out. I havent seen you in game for a while. Hope you've been well.

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I'm curious to hear how you like it as well.


Hi G,

It's early days but so far so good. It's the first systems I've built with a SSD (been meaning to get a SSD for years but never have). I spent most of the weekend installing software (most of which needs to be downloaded and I only have a 6mb connection!).

I'll post some pics of the new rig tonight when I get home.
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Here's some pics of the new rig. I changed the case to a Thermaltake Versa N23 to save some money on the build. I also changed the power supply to a Thermaltake Smart Pro RGB 650w (I calculated the total watts for the bild at 400w).
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