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Hi NJ crew. I'm a long time player at the NJ TDM server and would like to post an application to join. Here's a bit about myself and other clans I've been in.

Gaming Name = Spazza

Name = Allan

Age = 44

Country = Melbourne Australia

Previous Clans = Most recently {FH}. Reson for leaving = I really liked the FH guys but never really felt like I fit in. I was open and honest with the guys especially
the leader Jock and left on very good terms. Part of the reason was I hardly played in the {FH} servers as I spet most of my time in the NJ TDM server.

.S:S. Clan (an Australian COD4, BF4 clan) I was in this clan around 5 years and an owner. Before that I was in SKLD clan. US based clan which started out in SOF2 and then moved in to COD'S. That was for around 4 years.

I mostly play COD4, BO2 and BF4. Some of you I play pretty regularly with.

I really enjoy the NJ server, it's clean and fair. The admins do a great job and are very level headed.

If you want to know anything else about me feel free to ask.

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Hi Emp,

When I clicked on the link in (in Firefox) it opened a blank NetJam page (see screen shot attached) and I can't see anywhere to apply. I logged in using Chrome just to make sure it wasn't a Firefox browser issue and had the same problem.

What is supposed to come up and where do I fill in the application? Sorry for being a pain.

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Hey Spazz

In the words of Jar Jar Binks when the droids went offline as Naboo was about to be over run "It it broken"

It will be looked into haha for now take solace in the fact we know who you are and welcome your Aussie ways as we need so many more!


...Distract And Destroy...

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Hi Epm,

Is there any update on the application link? Are you able to PM me the questions/form so I can fill it out and Pm it back?

Is anyone else having this issue. Just trying to think of solutions for the interim. Let me know if I'm being a pest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Guys,

Fruits told me in game I have been accepted in to NJ so I have put NJ tags on. I was kind of expecting a PM or a post of some description with the outcome.

What happens next? Are there any threads new member need to read or console commands we need to know?

I want to contribute wherever or however I can.

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Hey Spazz!

Welcome to the land of NJ!
That is the guidelines for members, pretty much , be polite, respectful, don't be rude to other players and have fun! Post whatever you wish in the forums.

as for console commands, they are the same regardless, only admins have any extra powers there

Any Concerns, hit us up :)


...Distract And Destroy...

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  • 10 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 4 months later...
Hey NJ admins,

I'd like to make an application to become a member. I do not know how to make or send an application. I need help with dis pls. Also, myself and Deeznuts are requesting that the !fov no. be fixed as save or set does not keep it for other games. Thanks guys! :)
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