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Uh oh.

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lol - no the other way round, if your KDR was better for that round then you had to chip in $5.

I haven't donated in a while, so I'm going to add to the piggy bank :)


A deal is a deal though [EMOJI:https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0]

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  • 2 weeks later...
For those who don't know Fierce, here are a few fun facts about Net Jam's biggest noob:

1. He rigs the stats pages on the website to mislead people.
2. He loves smoke grenades.
3. He took a break from NJ after my consistently superior gameplay resulted in repeated ragequits.
4. He has returned to NJ to resume his Cod4 training under my wing.
5. Fierce is a known abuser of the martyrdom perk (ban on sight).

Welcome back mate :d

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For those who don't know Fierce, here are a few fun facts about Net Jam's biggest noob:

1. He rigs the stats pages on the website to mislead people.
2. He loves smoke grenades.
3. He took a break from NJ after my consistently superior gameplay resulted in repeated ragequits.
4. He has returned to NJ to resume his Cod4 training under my wing.
5. Fierce is a known abuser of the martyrdom perk (ban on sight).

Welcome back mate :d



Guilty as charged on all accounts!
Teach me how to CoD4 Wabdin-senpai!
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I feel that after a long time absent from this game that it is time for the return of the Fabulus. Wabdin grease yourself up baby... I'm coming to destroy your beautiful KDR that you have only managed to raise up because Fierce and I were not around.

I will install CoD4 tonight when I get home.


“We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.” - Sovereign Mass Effect

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I came on, but no one was around... I'll be back tomorrow though. Walldin, you have got zero hope you nubty...

Lots of Love,

“We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it.” - Sovereign Mass Effect

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