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COD4 Successor?

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So....2010 could be a great year for the FPS multiplayer genre.

Bad Company 2 has been going a few months and despite some early teething problems it looks to be a serious contender even though the game is more team based rather than run and gun like cod4.

Then we have Medal of Honour 2010 which is currently running on beta. Having watched some of the action on youtube it looks to be a cross between cod4 and bad company 2. Leaning more to BC2 in it's look and feel obviously because Dice handles it but with gameplay more akin to the non-stop frontal action of cod4.

Finally we will get COD Black Ops which will be realeased later this year. Can Treyarch pull this one off? COD world at war wasn't a disaster so I think they have a chance to make a real statement here. Rumours are that there will be dedicated servers so there will be no MW2 type debacle and the SP campaign looks like it could be epic.

Anyone own BC2? Is the server system functioning well now? Would you say it's the new don on the block now?

Anyone playing the MOH 2010 beta?

What do you hope that COD Black ops will deliver?

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I own BFBC2, and CoD4 Is better.

MoH looks amazing, everything BFBC2 was not, in-fact, it looks like what MW2 should have been. So I'm very excited to see how that turns out.

CoD7... that is a total crap shoot, I've yet to play a Treyarch game I like. The theme has so much potential... but what they do with it, who knows.

I will own two new FPS games this year, but I fully expect to be playing CoD4 this year, next, and well into the future.

""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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I own Battlfeild Bad Company 2, and i would say buy it, my reasons.....

1) Graphics 10/10

It is a beautiful looking game, and when they say that the enviornments are fully destructable, they are FULLY destructable. See a sniper hiding behind a tree? Shoot it with a machine gun and literally chop it down. I have given an entire forest a shave with a black hawk mounted minigun before. VERY fun to do. Getting shot at while behind a wall and need a new firing position? Fire a breif burst into the wall to create a hole to shoot out of.

2) Gameplay 8/10

This game is VERY sniper/squad oreinted. Either you sit back and take pot shots, or you go in with a coordinated team of friends Via headset. This is good, and bad. Good: If you have a good team or a squad of friends, you will DOMINATE and you will take much satisfaction from the game. Bad: If you are alone, or your team isnt up to par, you will be trampled.

3) Campaign 7/10

Good campaign all in all. The characters are funny, and loveable. The game has a humorus side, but, it IS a "M" shooting game, so expect for it to generally have the dark aspect of war. However, the campaign is short, with about 4 hours of gameplay on normal (however, you might have to go back over a few levels to get those collectible guns.)

4 Overall 8/10

Overall, i say: buy the game. It is fun, and a worthy alternative to COD4, but it just doesnt match up to its legendary multiplayer experience.
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Dr.Strangelove wrote:
Thanks for the detailed responses guys. I've asked my broth-in-law to bring me over BC2. It seems like a game def. worth having.

Medal of Honour does look promising. Heres a pretty recent beta video:

can u say resource heavy ..... prob going to require not only a min of a 1gb vid card, but also a 512 or higher physics card
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Medal of Honor is terrible. I've played the beta. The weapons are unbalanced like crazy, there is no recoil, guns are really inaccurate, grenades don't work, graphics are only okay, it's resource heavy, and knives are WAY overpowered. The menu is confusing and difficult to maneuver and the server system doesn't *seem* reliable (we had issues getting it to work). There is no proneing, and the general control of the game is just awkward.

Bad Company 2 is a great game! I was skeptical at first, but now that I've played it I love it and intend to purchase it as soon as I have some spare cash and a decent internet connection (as it's multiplayer only). I'll admit, it does feel a little easy to play, but I may have just been playing with uber noobs. The vehicles aren't overpowered, and if you get a group (like the net-jam community for example) playing together the game turns almost into a project that you actually ENJOY.
The targeting system works kind of like a hack, though, because if you continuously press the button it will pop a blimp on your screen if you are looking at someone (my friend pointed this out to me... lol)

I refuse to purchase another CoD game. In my eyes, the CoD series is dead. Infinity ward created it and Activision murdered... annihilated it. Not only do the Black Ops videos look just like the WaW and MW2 videos, but Treyarch has never made a decent game (in my opinion) and I doubt they'll start now, especially with Activision hammering down on them now that IW is out of the running.

I have a MoH beta key if anyone wants to give it a shot.. I got one from a friend and decided not to install it because my internet sucks so much :p.


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Whoa. Thread killer.

Thanks for that Lunar. The problems you mention with MOH sound like typical beta complaints so if they all were solved for the release would it be a good game?

Knives overpowered? You mean they kill from too far away?

BC2 is definately the front runner at the moment seeing as everyone who has played it has spoken well of it.

I'm not giving up on COD7 so easily. Treyarch surely know what they need to deliver this time.
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I just played MoH last night (which is free now btw) and I completely agree with LuNaR. Not only is it a copy of BFBC2, but it's a bad one.

(To me) this proves that CoD4 is the highest pinnacle of not just FPS multiplayer, but military games in general. The next great FPS game will be the one that adds all the new game physics and graphics to the tried and true (and proven by all games after it to be best) CoD4.

CoD4 is the most realistic and perfectly balanced multiplayer experience PERIOD.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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All this talk definately makes me appreciate COD4 all the more. The game is almost like a classic cult movie now. And it's only 3 or 4 years old.

I guess we should be thankful that with COD4 they (maybe naively) gave the community the modding tools needed to impove/change the gameplay into new forms.

Maybe time to start a new thread on COD4 mods rather than eagerly await future games that will inevitably let us down?

Thanks for all the info from those who have played these newer games.
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Lunar i fully agree about Moh. You can stand there and shoot an entire clip form the ak and your sights will barely move. Plus, why did they start the sniper class with a red dot??? That annoyed the crap outta me.
The game im really lookin forward to is Mafia 2. www.mafia2game.com
The first one is probably the best single player game ive ever played and im sure the second one wont dissapoint.
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Dr.Strangelove wrote:
Whoa. Thread killer.

Thanks for that Lunar. The problems you mention with MOH sound like typical beta complaints so if they all were solved for the release would it be a good game?

Knives overpowered? You mean they kill from too far away?

BC2 is definately the front runner at the moment seeing as everyone who has played it has spoken well of it.

I'm not giving up on COD7 so easily. Treyarch surely know what they need to deliver this time.

I agree, the recoil and accuracy problems are typical beta problems. However, I've never played a beta that was this bad. The only fun I had with that game was when I sprinted into the enemy spawn and knifed 6 people because the guns are so bad they couldn't shoot me.

Knives are overpowered because you don't have to even hit them with the knife for them to die.. I swung a knife at a rock by accident and killed a guy next to me. For the most part if you swing you kill instantly anyone close enough on your screen.

I refuse to purchase MW2, so if Net-Jam moves on to there I'll have to keep to the forums until Net-Jam moves to a better game :p

I still feel that BC2 is the way to go if we want a newer game. It's style is different from CoD4, but its the only other fast-paced shooter that I've played that was genuinely fun. I'm buying BC2 really soon :d.


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Well I'm definitely not switching off of cod4 entirely. I just need a change in game play for awhile. Playing the same thing all the time gets a little repetitive.

I have zero faith in Treyarch. I feel that they will not make a truly memorable quality game and my opinion isn't changing until they prove me wrong.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Dr.Strangelove wrote:
So....2010 could be a great year for the FPS multiplayer genre.

Bad Company 2 has been going a few months and despite some early teething problems it looks to be a serious contender even though the game is more team based rather than run and gun like cod4.

Then we have Medal of Honour 2010 which is currently running on beta. Having watched some of the action on youtube it looks to be a cross between cod4 and bad company 2. Leaning more to BC2 in it's look and feel obviously because Dice handles it but with gameplay more akin to the non-stop frontal action of cod4.

Finally we will get COD Black Ops which will be realeased later this year. Can Treyarch pull this one off? COD world at war wasn't a disaster so I think they have a chance to make a real statement here. Rumours are that there will be dedicated servers so there will be no MW2 type debacle and the SP campaign looks like it could be epic.

Anyone own BC2? Is the server system functioning well now? Would you say it's the new don on the block now?

Anyone playing the MOH 2010 beta?

What do you hope that COD Black ops will deliver?


I havent seen much on black ops, yall have any info on it?

All very successful commanders are prima donnas and must be so treated.
George S. Patton

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