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Gryph - just FYI I'm still seeing the same 5 or so maps... You stated some good points earlier and to what you said "...Leaving 13 maps" . What about letting those 13 maps all coming up more often? I'm confused... is this hard to change?

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Gosh I just thought of this. What about taking baby steps, maybe adding 1 per every few days? vSee how things go, then add another slowly over time (after 3 - 5 days and etc...)... not keeping the ones that cause people to instantly leave..... just an idea.
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So, it turns out that the system I was talking about went to a failsafe about two months ago and I never knew... Meaning it's been the standard old rotation this whole time.

Thank you all for participating in this unintended water pill test.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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So we're back to no new maps, no user requested maps, and thanks for pointing out that the "system" was not working. Now that we have it working again..... We still don't care and will not change it, Zero F Given
Wow, again could have saved everyone from ever posting by saying we will not change the rotation, rather than dragging this out for a couple of months.
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So we're back to no new maps, no user requested maps, and thanks for pointing out that the "system" was not working. Now that we have it working again..... We still don't care and will not change it, Zero F Given
Wow, again could have saved everyone from ever posting by saying we will not change the rotation, rather than dragging this out for a couple of months.

You seem to have mistaken what I said with "fuck you". With that in mind, there is something you should know:


The fields thy seek are long since barren.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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I know you don't G, that's why nothing changed. I just don't get why you would drag this on when your field is so barren.

How exactly have I dragged this on? I took the time to explain how the new system was making it so that all maps would be in the "rotation" only to find out that it had been working for 3 of the 5 months I thought.

You asked a question that's been answered time and again; we're not adding those maps to a fixed rotation, period.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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I kNoW yOu DoN't G, tHaT's WhY nOtHiNg ChAnGeD. i JuSt DoN't GeT wHy YoU wOuLd DrAg ThIs On WhEn YoUr FiElD iS sO BaRrEn.

Lead Anchor and primary Reporter of the Net-Jam News Network, reporting what's important, not necessarily true!

Send unto me the finest burnt cheeses, and I shall bless your nachos, your quesadillas, your enchiladas, your first born child.

"""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle" - Gryphus_1

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Mon Sep 4 20:36:14 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 20:36:59 2017: Map Changed To mp_carentan
Mon Sep 4 20:49:48 2017: Map Changed To mp_overgrown
Mon Sep 4 21:03:30 2017: Map Changed To mp_bog
Mon Sep 4 21:10:13 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Mon Sep 4 22:08:23 2017: Map Changed To mp_convoy
Mon Sep 4 22:09:34 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 22:10:29 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Mon Sep 4 22:18:59 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 22:19:40 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Mon Sep 4 22:22:28 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 22:23:52 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Mon Sep 4 22:24:09 2017: Map Changed To mp_backlot
Mon Sep 4 22:36:30 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 22:37:22 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Mon Sep 4 22:39:55 2017: Map Changed To mp_broadcast
Mon Sep 4 22:41:25 2017: Client NJ_Turbo entered
Mon Sep 4 22:52:05 2017: Map Changed To mp_crossfire
Mon Sep 4 23:03:59 2017: Map Changed To mp_crash
Mon Sep 4 23:15:23 2017: Map Changed To mp_bloc
Mon Sep 4 23:31:09 2017: Map Changed To mp_carentan
Mon Sep 4 23:45:37 2017: Map Changed To mp_overgrown
Tue Sep 5 00:01:23 2017: Map Changed To mp_bog
Tue Sep 5 00:01:31 2017: Client NJ_Turbo left

Since I doubt you or anyone else posting will bother to read that, let me summarize:

You encountered 12 maps between the hours of 20:00 09/04/17 and 02:00 09/05/17.
You chose to avoid 2, actually playing 10.
During those six hours, you played Chinatown, Overgrown and Bog twice. Those being the only maps you replayed in that time.
At no point did a map repeat X number of times.

Here is our current rotation:

The match time is set to 15 minutes. A typical 22 player match lasts on average 10 minutes before the team score limit of 2500 is reached.

Before we get into statistical probabilities, any questions?


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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Here is our current rotation:

The match time is set to 15 minutes. A typical 22 player match lasts on average 10 minutes before the team score limit of 2500 is reached.

Before we get into statistical probabilities, any questions?

It's really not our rotation as it is your rotation, ours implies other Net-Jam Members and the community having some input in my opinion

And if the maps with a lower ratio of being played are simply never played or played once every 2 years, can you bump those up to maybe 4-5 times per day? maybe once every other "not a map rotation"? I'm really not sure what to call it as you say its not a rotation but a "system" that looks and operates like a rotation on repeat due to the low ratio on maps you do not want played.

Saying you've loaded them all in with an extremely low probability of being played is shaping up to look like they're not loaded at all.

I'm willing to donate $100 along those same odds daily, starting today.
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So, it turns out that the system I was talking about went to a failsafe about two months ago and I never knew... Meaning it's been the standard old rotation this whole time.

Thank you all for participating in this unintended water pill test.

We're currently using the same rotation we've been using for a couple of years. The new system will have all maps and function as I described.

I know you don't G, that's why nothing changed. I just don't get why you would drag this on when your field is so barren.

How exactly have I dragged this on? I took the time to explain how the new system was making it so that all maps would be in the "rotation" only to find out that it had been working for 3 of the 5 months I thought.

You asked a question that's been answered time and again; we're not adding those maps to a fixed rotation, period.


Do you even read Prime?

I will happily have another pass at the map probabilities, once we start using it again. As I said I would, two pages ago and also in another thread. Meanwhile, everything you've said is commenting on how much a map rotation actually looks like a map rotation.

As for "ours"; there are some fundamental problems with how you perceive community and how the process you referred to actually works.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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It'S rEaLlY nOt OuR rOtAtIoN aS iT iS yOuR rOtAtIoN, oUrS iMpLiEs OtHeR nEt-JaM mEmBeRs AnD tHe CoMmUnItT hAvInG sOmE iNpUt In My OpInIoN.

AnD iF tHe MaPs WiTh A lOwEr RaTiO oF bEiNg PlAyEd ArE sImPlY nEvEr PlAyEd Or PlAyEd OnCe EvErY 2 yEaRs, CaN yOu BuMp ThOsE uP tO mAyBe 4-5 TiMeS pEr DaY? mAyBe OnCe EvErY oThEr "NoT a MaP rOtAtIoN"? I'm ReAlLy NoT sUrE wHaT tO cAlL iT aS yOu SaY iTs NoT a RoTaTiOn BuT a "SyStEm" ThAt LoOkS aNd OpErAtEs LiKe A rOtAtIoN oN rEpEaT dUe To ThE lOw RaTiO oN mApS yOu Do NoT wAnT pLaYeD.

SaYiNg YoU'vE lOaDeD tHeM aLl In WiTh An ExTrEmElY lOw PrObAbIlItY oF bEiNg PlAyEd Is ShApInG uP tO LoOk LiKe ThEy'Re NoT lOaDeD aT aLl.

I'm WiLlInG tO dOnAtE $100 aLoNg ThOsE sAmE oDdS dAiLy, StArTiNg ToDaY.

Reading comprehension. Please go to MHCC in Gresham and get tested. Kisses.

Lead Anchor and primary Reporter of the Net-Jam News Network, reporting what's important, not necessarily true!

Send unto me the finest burnt cheeses, and I shall bless your nachos, your quesadillas, your enchiladas, your first born child.

"""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle" - Gryphus_1

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