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In the market back spawn he looks out the opening as anyone would. He sees FJ but is not lined up on him before he clears the wall. The only sus move I saw was by the statue when he kills Dodo then immediately looks through the sandbags and traces Doge who kills him. If Doge had jammer, that's a strike for me. I don't know if Dodo runs jammer but, he knew where she was at the hotel too. He had UAV then. Would like to see more evidence.


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I did see sus moments, but based solely on this video there is not enough evidence. Keep in mind, if he has a good mic, uav jammer, dead silence, silencer almost make no difference to a seasoned player who uses sound to his advantage. Not saying that is the case, I just want you to keep in mind, if you see a odd shot, go through all the maybes before you judge. Maybe he heard him walk, run, jump, reload. Or simply could be that he knows the most common routes/moves a player will use, then its easy to 'track' someone.

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Fruits thinks that xxhboxx could hear Doge at the statue and knew where he was. As you and Fruits say Kov, an experienced player can pinpoint people almost anywhere on a map if they have good headphones and the volume cranked. Doge, even if you use Dead Silence a good player can still HEAR where you are. Thanks everyone for the demo and the input. It just shows how careful we have to be with players. More evidence please if you can get it. He may be legit but, keep an eye on him. Softly, softly catchee monkey!


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Well I never report unless I'm sure. I understand your doubts but I have witnessed both guys I have posted either trace me across the map whilst jammed and silenced. Or prefer me whilst motionless and jammed. But I shall catch these fegget and prove to yall...that the veezy is never wrong.
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