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8th infantry troll?


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I know I have no business here, but I was reading on the 8th forums about things and would just like to inform you guys that the Official {8th}Lt.Thandrs was Punkbuster banned permanently in 2009 for PBHACK at the time of when DT was running the San Diego Mudd Club server.

When our forums were up (thedreamteamclan.com), he actually admitted that he cheated but quickly removed the post after an hour of realizing what he just did and claimed that he had "changed his ways" after he was banned. I still don't believe it personally.

Jul 07, 2009
Viol #132056 Violation (PB HACK) #132056
{8th}Lt.Thandrs (75.162.92.*)
DT|| (

A side note, this is why all their servers a Non-PB.
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Appreciate the info Bulldog, but we are aware. The funny thing about it is, most all NJA including myself are banned from 8th due to what they call "hacks".

If you don't mind me asking, what did you read in the 8th forums that made you think to post this? (They IP banned from their site.)

Glad you posted Bulldog, hope to see you on the forums more.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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All of the DT| clan is banned also. I read a post about an NJA member being banned and said something about most your members being banned, I can't remember who posted it though.
The clan tag NJA clicked and I went searching for you guys on the net lol

Another reason why I posted here is because they claim they do things which i know they can't.
I just wanted to express my concern and spread the info about them haha, I just don't like that they won't face the fact and say yea we have a Cheating Clan Leader/Members.
But hey, more power to them..
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