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Help COD4 isn working!

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Can any one help me!

I cant start my cod4 game!

I always got a direcx errors!

And now some errors when i start the dxdiag!

DirectDraw-Testergebnisse: Abbruch in 17 (SetDisplayMode auf 640x480x16): HRESULT = 0x80004001 (Nicht implementiert)
Direct3D 7-Testergebnisse: Abbruch in 39 (SetDisplayMode auf 640x480x16): HRESULT = 0x80004001 (Nicht implementiert)
Direct3D 8-Testergebnisse: Abbruch in 8 (3D-Gerät wird erstellt): HRESULT = 0x88760827 (Fehlercode)
Direct3D 9-Testergebnisse: Abbruch in 8 (3D-Gerät wird erstellt): HRESULT = 0x8876086c (Fehlercode)

Game alrady reinstaled! New directx and newest graphic card drivers!

Always the same!


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Hey, well my german isn't so good, but I am familiar with HRESULT error codes...

0x80004001 is E_NOTIMPL which means "Error, this function is not implemented"

It appears as though DirectDraw/Direct3D can't be initialized on your system.

Unfortunately the error code is very generic and doesn't help to diagnose the cause for that at all. Since you already tried reinstalling DirectX and your Video Card drivers, It doesn't leave much room to experiment!

Try running google earth, it has both OpenGL and Direct3D modes. Perhaps it will give you a more usable error message.

One suggestion, try getting a "driver cleaner" program and using it to entirely wipe out your graphics drivers from safe mode, and then do a fresh install. There's a good chance something got corrupted in there and simply re-installing on top isn't cleaning it out.
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Nope in have "killed" my whole system!
Formatted the harddrive and installed Windows XP Pro!

I have 2 harddrives and 4 paritions in my pc.
1 partitons is only Win XP nothing else, so i can formatt and install Windows very Quick!
It took only about 2 hours included all software i use [Office and COD4 ;-) ]
I dont save any personal stuff and the windows partion, so i dont have to do any back up's!

BUT i have just installed XFIRE and Vent and it happens again...

I am afraid that is has something to do with the xfire update!

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Wab, I've heard of the Xfire in-game overlay doing exactly what you're describing. Try disabling the overlay and that might fix your problem.

Xfire main window > Tools > Options > Xfire In-Game > Untick the "Enable Xfire In-Game" box


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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I have no idea what is happening with my system!

I have already formatted twice my system!
COD was working at Saturday. I turned my pc off went to bed!
I tryied to play at Sunday again same error!

Now Cod is working!
I have outsourced xfire to my netbook!

But every time i quit playing my windows resolution is different!

The whole problem is a cant play cod at work cause my Laptop is "DEAD" and it wasnt profitable to repair it!
I was alawys playing COD at my laptop at work, just by swichting the input at my display!
At the office PC isnt allowed any more now to install stuff!

So i can only play at home!
THIS is really frustrating!

So dont cry if i am not so often at the server as i was before....

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