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NOT the real British Slut.. possible WH


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This player was playing with such a laggy connection and was SOOO bad.  But after shooting me 2x in previous maps in a way that I found surprising (as I was in unusual places) I decided I better record.  Started with the name British Slut but understood that it wasn't the 'good' player British Slut.  I think Yoshi changed the player's name to 'dontstealnames'.  

I think has 3-4 compelling moments. I noticed this player tried to maintain LoS but during Broadcast, shot someone through smoke - seemed to point the weapon where someone would be approaching.  One shot was suspicious because he couldn't have heard someone coming while an airstrike was occurring.  BUT, after all that I am still not 100% on this one.  The player is also SOOO bad that I would be OK if the large demo wasn't enough to get him banned since no one was really complaining much anyway.




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