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First of all,I'm sorry if this thread doesn't belong in this category(I really don't know :d)

But anyways,

I would like to know if the server is ''recruiting''.
Basically, what I would like to know, are mods/admins required(I hope,because I have seen so many on the server,which is great).
I would like to apply for an admin/mod,but if you don't need any of those,I will not be mad at all :) I really enjoy playing on your server,the community is absolutely amazing,admins/Net-Jam staff is fantastic and helpful,the server has no lag at all...
If you do require staff, please reply with a simple requirement that I need to provide.

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Hello Aries,

We appreciate your interest, but unfortunately we don't recruit our Admins that way. They are carefully and individually chosen as are our Moderators. We have however, just recently started accepting Members, if that's something you would be interested in.

I hope to see on the Forums in the future, and you are also welcome in our Teamspeak.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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Hello Gryphus(I see you sometimes on the server :))

I would be really happy to be a part of Net Jam in any way. I am definetly interested in any role to be and help :)
In a nutshell,yes,I am very much interested to be a Member :)

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