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Anyone into reading speculative sci-fi?

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If this is inappropriate please remove.

As some of you know, I'm a published author. Recently my speculative fiction novel, in honor of the upcoming presidential election, was placed on promotion on Amazon, reducing its cost from $4.99 US to $2.99 US. This price will be good until December 1st. If there is an interested PM me and I'll provide the name of my book and a link to its page on Amazon (where you can read a sample).

Again, if this is inappropriate please let me know and/or remove this post. This is the last promotional opportunity afforded me via amazon and I wanted to let people know. I, in no way, wanted to violete this sites rules.
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Sadly reading is become a lost skill. Consider this quote by John Locke and its relevance - I believe, at its core, is the heart of many of the troubles we are in.

"Reading furnishes the mind only with the materials of knowledge; Its the thinking which make what we read ours." - John Locke, philosopher
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No, not at all inappropriate in this section, this is general discussion.... :d

I would be most interested to take a look. I am an avid reader of mostly Science Fiction, so I'm sure I would enjoy it and will most definitely make a purchase [EMOJI:https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0]

I'm a huge fan of Asimov, Heinlein and also Arthur C. Clarke.
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