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4blazer: mouse wheel trigger


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I have been accused of "scrolling", "mouse binding", "scripting", for years and years. It's getting extremely old as I do not, nor have I EVER done so. To begin with, my mouse does not even have a wheel on it, so that's not physically possible. Why do people so quickly excuse the possibility that someone can actually click faster than them? Do you not hear what I am saying or understand? Or do you simply not care because you're jealous? I have 2 shoots buttons... One on the keyboard (which I tap with my left middle finger), and one on the mouse. It is not rocket science, NOR is it a scroll, bind or hack of any kind. Not to mention the fact that I can also click extremely fast with either stand alone method. I have played piano since I was 5... the ability to tap my finger in an extremely quick manner is not supernatural. I would really appreciate it if you and other would stop harassing me while I am playing, because I am doing NOTHING wrong other than using the default settings in the game (available to all players).

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To expound on my original explanation, the back-to-back "boom boom", that seems like a scroll, is the result of clicking the keyboard and mouse in an alternating fashion. If you try it yourself, you will see it is legitimate. The only differentiating factor is the user's ability to do so extremely fast and synchronized (again, a skill I obtained from my decades of piano).

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