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Im curious and probably blind.

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Hey NJ peeps, i was wondering how i would go about obtaining mod or admin? i didnt find any threads about it(although i probably missed it.) I love the server, have been playing on it for a while, and am very active. please get back to me at your earliest convenience.

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There is no fine line towards becoming a mod or administrator.

I can offer some suggestions, though.

What I did was I was active in teamspeak and in game. Every time you play, sit in teamspeak. Talk with other admins/mods/players. When I joined, NJ members were a lot more active. I'm not sure where a lot of people went, but I assume they're busy with their personal lives.

There were many nights Gryphus and I stayed up til 3/4/5AM talking about the direction of the clan and how to get there. I offered my advice from previous experiences. I've been active in clans for a plethora of games since I was around 11. I'm 23 now.

Normally, the dedicated members that contribute to the clan in some way, shape or form, are promoted. I offered my advice, graphic design, and activity in game.

Take a step back, ask yourself what you can offer and what you can do for NJ members and guests, and make it happen. Activity in game, in the forums, and in teamspeak are vital to accomplish this as well. It's easier to get noticed like that and the conversations are much more in depth than what you can have in game or by typing.




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As Myth mentioned and was stated on the member application, there is no path to any kind of power here or hierarchy to climb. If you're the right type of person we will approach you. This does, however, require more interaction than names passing in the killfeed. Something that I admit is difficult in NJ's current state and am attempting to correct.

Suffice to say, stick around, something may happen or may not. One way to find out.


""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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Take me for example, I'm hardly ever on NJ TS for over what, 3-4 years now and have never been approached to become an admin. Would I make a good admin? I don't know, but I ran a gaming clan back in the 90s (Original cstrike) but at a much more local level. Do I want to be an admin? Nope, it's a lot of responsibilty and I have limited time these days. Would I consider being an admin if asked? Maybe, but I still wouldn't employ the ban hammer unless a player was completely obsvious about it.

On a serious note, being an admin for the NJ server will take you away from playing the game in the most enjoyable fashion. For one thing, some people are REALLY GOOD players that will often get called out as hackers/cheaters. Still other players might not only be good players, but also hacking in a very not so obvious way. Those type of hackers are hard to catch in the act and require a lot of recording and viewing. You won't last 1 day as an admin here if you make the mistakes of banning legitimate players. On the bright side, it does give you the power to immediately take care of other issues like dealing with insulting people, etc..

If you ever do become an admin, I'd take the safe route and stick to just banning the obviously hacking players, and maybe record and report the not so obvious players.


PS - Plus look at how crazy Fuzzy is, you want to become that????
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Exactly. It's much more like volunteering your time to pick up trash on the side of the road than anything else. That said, we do need more Mods, so yeah. Stick around.

Also, it wasn't for lack of trying to get Turbo in TS.



""Don't quote my quotes!" - Fruits" - Rattle

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haha! Seriously, I don't get on much because of other personal relationship reasons... someone at the house hates me gaming and gets even more angry if, god forbid, I'm having a little fun. Once I find a new job and get settled down with it, I think I'll make it a point to get on TS or discord more often.

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Maybe, but I still wouldn't employ the ban hammer unless a player was completely obsvious about it.

On a serious note, being an admin for the NJ server will take you away from playing the game in the most enjoyable fashion. For one thing, some people are REALLY GOOD players that will often get called out as hackers/cheaters. Still other players might not only be good players, but also hacking in a very not so obvious way. Those type of hackers are hard to catch in the act and require a lot of recording and viewing. You won't last 1 day as an admin here if you make the mistakes of banning legitimate players.

Just making a note here, no admins at Net Jam ban unless they're certain the player in question is cheating. There are countless posts in the mod/admin forums where we upload demos to have the others review if we're not 100%

With that being said, yes.. you will spend a lot of time watching people you're not sure of. I can't count how many times I've sat spectating someone that I thought was fishy, only to find out that they're probably playing on tin can and string internet, or the computer they're on is equivalent to a sack of potatoes. These occurrences can take an upwards of 1 hour of straight spectating, but it has to be done. You may sit there for 5 minutes while waiting for their "Attempting to Reconnect to Server" status to go away and for them to start playing again, only for it to pop back up 30 seconds later, and so on. I don't get a lot of time to game anymore, but I'm happy to take a step back and make sure the server is clean when I think someone needs special attention. With my new work schedule, this is mainly during the wee hours of the night.

The dedication and sacrifice is something you'll have to take into account before accepting a position like the one you're wanting (if it's offered to you). You may get it and find out it's not for you. Some people I've ran into, not necessarily in Net Jam but other teams/clans/squads, get the status but don't want to put in the work because it takes away from the fun. It is more than just a title. You represent the elite of Net Jam, uphold our server's integrity, and are the first responder in most situations.




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The good thing is i am a patient man, and am willing to work my arse off to earn the trust and credibility of the fellow uppers. i am not looking for banning powers as much as i want to make sure people are having fun and not being disrespected or chastised by other players who seemingly give no F$@#s (which i notice often when I am on and playing). I understand what yall are saying and fully understand the responsibilities that a mod or admin undertakes. I am am grateful to be a part of such a welcoming and informative community. You guys are awesome! :d
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Congratulations Verdict, your reply has caused this thread to go into a second page. That makes this post absolutely necessary in order to keep this thing going! :) Welcome aboard verdict if I didn't say it earlier, can't remember@!
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