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Not a Report - Question on Deagle firing method in demo


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Hi All,

Optionally view the attached demo but really from watching player Ninja play tonight, it seemed like he would often use the Deagle pistol and with rapid fire.  I think he IS manually firing the gun but I heard a strange sound during the emptying of each clip during the firing to where it almost sounded like 2 shots were going off in a 'single button press' time-frame.  Not sure how to properly describe it but almost like a firing 'doubler' of sorts?  Is this from using the dbl tap perk then by doing so, semi auto weaps can achieve this 'double fire' per shot effect if the manual button presses are quick enough?  Or is there a 3rd party program enabling 2 primary fire buttons to be used at the same time?  If the latter, is that legit and if it IS legit, how can I also partake in some 'o that action?  :classic_biggrin:  



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Hey Turbs,

I haven't looked at the demo (work is consuming all my free time lately), but it is an easy change to make - and one we don't allow on the server. By creating a bind, you can have multiple shots fire in rapid succession. Usually, mods/admins will call this out as scroll binding. Folks will sometimes bind the fire action to their scroll wheel and nimble fingered folks can either take a single shot with one click of their wheel, or multiple shots in rapid succession with a bigger spin of their wheel. IMHO, scroll binding on a deagle is stupid due to the limited amount of ammo in the weapon - you would just deplete your clip quicker. I am not that good a player that I wouldn't just get killed doing constant reloading.


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FWIW, a former clan member of mine in a prior life (looking at you Dexter), was VERY quick with his fire button mashing. He would constantly get called for scroll binding, but clearly it wasn't due to the slightly random pause between shots. That is usually the easiest tell. If the shots are consistently rapid with no pause, I usually call the player out. Almost always, this will warrant warnings before a kick. If they return and keep it up, ban hammer time.

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Thanks for the responses Moo Cow!  I'll probably take a closer look at the player again but didn't feel like it was enough to warrant reporting.. I did notice there was some spacing out of the shots but, of course, one could most likely alternate between scroll wheel and primary fire button at will.  

Hey!  I ate at a burger joint yesterday, where the name of the place reminded me of you.  'MooYah's'


VERY tasty burger, I had the double burger Diablo, SO GOOOD!  It looks like they are a smaller franchise but are scattered around the country.  

The name made me think of you killing a player in game, basically you kill a player then say 'Moo Yah!' lol


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