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JimmyH and Furlong - wallhacks

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Got a double whammy surprise for you admins.

Name: JimmyH and Furlong

Date: January 10, 2024

Time: Around 6:40 - 7:05 P.M.

Reason for report: Cheating - wallhacks and aim-lock

Extra Details - I made 2 recordings, one was shipment and the other was ambush. I am only deciding to upload the demo of ambush due to the fact that shipment is easy to wallbang even though he was being obvious, since there were a lot of players it can just be an easy waste of time to comb through the demo.

The one demo I am uploading here is killcam but do please hear me out - I was able to catch xianren that one time using a killcam demo, due to being able to show incontrovertible proof that he was tracing. Allow me the chance by watching through this demo as well, in it you will find both JimmyH (who I didn't realize was wallhacking since the previous match in shipment) and Furlong both being in the same team, all against me, a nice 2 v 1 scenario where I hid in unusual spots with UAV jammer and dead silence and still being found by both in record time - every single time! You will be able to see some clear cut tracing by JimmyH and an additional with lock on by Furlong.


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