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Hacking or not? (iiiMc--)

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Ty for the video Dancing Queen - }JFL{ Cyph3r - }JFL{ Voldemort - Queen Lateafa - Queen Cyph3r - DancingQueen - Darth Vader - Camping Queen - Dancing Cyph3r - Cyph3r007 - Dancing Panties - Voldemort150 - Cyph3r - Crumping Queen - Hard Camping Q (and any other name i missed) I have watched the video and can say yes that player has recoil. that bolt action has the lowest recoil for a bolt in this game and with "quick scoping" its hard to tell but being a weapon i use alot in the game I can see it is there.

Why on earth someone would want to use an acog and anything makes me question the players integrity but that is his/her call and the player is clean, even when he/she gets a kill on the wrong player gives him/her a shock and delay so yeah clean from the video provided
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I watched this last night and advised DancingQueenJFLCyph3rJFLVoldemortQueenLateafaQueenCyph3rDancingQueenDarthVaderCamping QueenDancingCyph3rCyph3r007DancingPantiesVoldemort150Cyph3rCrumpingQueenHardCampingQ that the player did have recoil. We decided to leave it in to see what other people thought.... you passed the test Anubis [EMOJI:https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f44d.svg?0]
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