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When are the peak periods?

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I have read your FAQs and it says that maps like Creek and Countdown only appear when there are many people playing.

I play from the UK and I so I am on a time difference. What times is it really busy on your net-jam (Hardcore) sever and then I can work out the time difference so I can play maps like Creek and Countdown.

Thanks everyone


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  • 7 months later...

Seems like it lately....  So from the USA Pacific time-zone perspective, peak periods are very hit or miss lately but I notice a lot of players coming on around 4-5 pm-ish PST... and I question even the consistency of that time-frame ALWAYS being on the busier side.  I *think* around 12-1 AM PST when a I am guessing a lot of Aussies and other international players are on.  I suspect some of the most die-hard players are on during all those times and then some.  good luck!

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